/ Zu 4000 Tierstorys / Incredible Creatures Wildlife / 01722 Elefant imitiert Giraff

CATERS Elephant Thinks

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CATERS Elephant Thinks
An amazing elephant was spotted pretending to be a giraffe by standing on its back legs and reaching the high-up leaves with its trunk. The skilled mammal was caught at dawn reaching up into a tree to get juicy leaves in a picturesque piece of forest in Zimbabwe. The elephant performed the incredible act in front of two younger bulls and lucky witnesses, who captured this exceptional moment in the magnificent park of Mana Pools, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Photographer Morkel Erasmus captured this behavior, normally attributed to giraffes has made the Mana Pools elephants famous but has rarely been photographed. The eldest elephant raised himself on his hind legs to reach the branches to feed from just like a giraffe.
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CATERS Elephant Thinks
CATERS Elephant Thinks
CATERS Elephant Thinks
CATERS Elephant Thinks
CATERS Elephant Thinks
CATERS Elephant Thinks
CATERS Elephant Thinks
CATERS Elephant Thinks
Elefant macht auf Gira