/ Zu 4000 Tierstorys / Tierfotos malerisch / 01588 Katze und Schmetterlinge

Katze im Schmetterlingstaumel

#95784    Kein Model Release;
Katze im Schmetterlingstaumel
A cat stumbled across a playground full of pretty butterflies to chase - but couldnt catch one so ended up having a lie down next to them. Cute six-month-old kitten Lepa couldnt believe his luck when he saw so many butterflies in one place to play with. The stunning sight of hundreds of bright blue butterflies was almost too much for him as he bounced over and started trying to catch them. But the butterflies had other ideas and quickly took off before teasing him by flying just too high for Lepa to reach. The funny pictures were taken by student and keen photographer Natalia Moldovanova, 20, during a visit to see her parents - and Lepa - at home in Leningrad Oblast, Russia. s01588 *** Local Caption ***
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