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A Stockente auf Glatte

#159743    Kein Model Release;
A Stockente auf Glatte
This clumsy duck came over all of a flutter when he spotted a mirror image of himself reflecting back off the surface of the water. He was so stunned by what he saw that he lost his balance, performed an impressive version of the splits and was sent sliding across the surface of the water in a dramatic twist. German photographer Dr Udo Schlottmann was on hand to snap the startled duck trying to reach his lady on the other side of the pond near his home in Dortmund, Germany. The near- icy surface of the pond formed a challenging run way for the mallard to make his way across the waters *** Local Caption *** PIC BY UDO SCHLOTTMANN / CATERS NEWS - (Pictured in sequence, the duck taking a spill) - This clumsy duck came over all of a flutter when he spotted a mirror image of himself reflecting back off the surface of the water. He was so stunned by what he saw th
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