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Chiko ist die Supernanny

#155939    Rights Managed; Kein Model Release;
Chiko ist die Supernanny
Chiko acts as perfect baby sitter for baby best friend.) This adorable footage shows how one couple found the ultimate babysitter for their child, using their super nanny dog to undertake the most important childcare tasks. The beautiful friendship that has blossomed between five-month-old Leonardo Kuzmychova and his four-legged friend, Chiko, is showcased as the inseparable youngsters relaxes on his mat while Chiko holds up a tablet, watches an variety of videos with him - even acting as a pillow. While having a rare minute to relax, besotted mum Olesia Kuzmychova watched on as the adorable moments played out, on May 9. Olesia, from Hong Kong, said: Since the moment Leo was born, he and Chiko have been inseparable.Since Leo has been weeks old, he will just stare at the dog and smile - they really are best friends. When I arrive home with Leo in the stroller, Chiko will immediately check to see if his little man is safe and well. - s3699 *** Local Caption *** Olesia Kuzmychova, caters,
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