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Rhinobaby Lotti verwaist

#155665    Rights Managed; Kein Model Release;
Rhinobaby Lotti verwaist
Pic shows the baby calf ophaned by poachers at the rescue centre. Heart-breaking footage has been captured of a starving baby rhino still trying to suckle from its dead mother who had been killed for her horn. The saddening video was taken just last week in a national park in South Africa, by the rescue charity Rhino 911. As the camera rolls the tiny one-month-old rhino can be heard calling for its mother as it tries to nudge her head and then suckle for milk. Rescuers think that just hours earlier that day the female had been and then had both her horns hacked off.Incredibly despite the calf having no horn they are often shot too or paralysed by the killers because they disturb the process of getting the horn as they desperately cling to their mother. At least in the case Lottie – as she has been dubbed – survived. More than one million people have now viewed the harrowing footage online. Because of a now natural fear of humans Lottie had to be blindfolded and sedated, she was so small she was able to be bundled into the back of an SUV by Rhino 911. Since being orphaned she is only now able to take milk and she will face a long road to recovery. S3253 *** Local Caption *** Rhino 911, Magnus,
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