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Schweinswal entwischt Orca

#133733    Kein Model Release;
Schweinswal entwischt Orca
PIC BY DALE JOHNSON/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The killer whale falling into the sea after loosing its prey) - Hardly for training porpoises! This is the incredible moment a porpoise managed to get away from inside the jaws of a killer whale. The pictures, taken on Monday September 14, 2015, show a killer whale leaping into the air with a porpoise trapped in its jaws only for the nimble mammal to wriggle away and swim to safety. The spectacular images were taken by Dale Johnson, 53, from Seattle, United States, off San Juan Island in Washington State.
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Schweinswal entwischt Orca
Schweinswal entwischt Orca
Schweinswal entwischt Orca
Schweinswal entwischt Orca
Schweinswal entwischt Orca
Schweinswal entwischt Orca
Schweinswal entwischt Orca