/ Zu 4000 Tierstorys / Schnappschüsse / 02341 Gepard mit Dreadlocks


#114331    Kein Model Release;
By Dale Maycock This is the hilarious moment a chilled-out-cheetah was captured sporting a curious looking hairdo. With its collection of furry tufts, the frilly feline seems to be growing its own version of Rastafarian style dreadlocks. The big cat was SPOTTED sprouting the surprising hairstyle while roaming the grounds of its enclosure at Vienna Zoo, Austria. Photographer, Josef Gelernter, 32, was snapping various animals at the zoo before suddenly coming across the animals matted mane. Josef said "I didn't understand what it was at a first glance, but straight away I thought 'cool, this cheetah has dreadlocks and looks like a Rastafarian!'. "I was very surprised to see a cheetah with such a hairstyle as I have never seen a similar one before. "I also thought its head might be wet but it looked too clean and well arranged for that, I guess it was just having a bad hair day. "It reminded me a lot of Bob Marley to look at it and I could not stop laughing and smiling for a while. "The reactions of the other visitors were similar to mine, we where just really astonished as to how it could look like that." ENDS

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Gepard im Rasta-Look
Gepard im Rasta-Look
Gepard im Rasta-Look
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