/ Zu 4000 Tierstorys / Zauber der Pole - Antarktis / 00778 Pinguin-Kita

CATERS Penguin Creche

#102802    Kein Model Release;
CATERS Penguin Creche
PIC BY MIKE REYFMAN / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED; the penguin creche) - Any mother would find it hard to P-P-P-PICK out their penguin baby in this enormous creche of emperor penguins.Stretching as far as the eye can see the massive flock of juvenile birds was spotted on South Georgia, Antarctica. The young birds - still with their brown downy feathers - are gathered in giant groups to stay cold while their parents fish out to see. And incredibly despite the mind-boggling size of the creche each baby can be spotted by their parent simply by the sound of their call. SEE CATERS COPY *** Local Caption ***
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CATERS Penguin Creche
CATERS Penguin Creche
CATERS Penguin Creche
CATERS Penguin Creche
CATERS Penguin Creche
CATERS Penguin Creche
CATERS Penguin Creche
CATERS Penguin Creche
CATERS Penguin Creche
CATERS Penguin Creche
CATERS Penguin Creche
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CATERS Penguin Creche